The Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest’s Ordinations by Archbishop Burke in Florence, Italy

On Thursday, July 3rd, 2008, two members of the Institute received the Holy Order of the Priesthood from the hands of the Most Reverend Raymond L. Burke, newly appointed Prefect of the Apostolic Signature.  The ordinands were Abbé Henry Fragelli, USA, and Abbé François-Xavier de Dainville, France.  The splendid ceremony took place at the Chiesa dei Santi Michele e Gaetano (Church of Saints Michael and Gaetano) in Florence. Later that day, members of the Institute received a special visit at the motherhouse in Gricigliano: His Eminence Silvano Cardinal Piovanelli, Archbishop Emeritus of Florence, who first welcomed the Institute in the Archdiocese of Florence eighteen years ago, in 1990.

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